Welcome to Zeldapapercrafts.blogspot.com, your Zelda papercraft headquarters! I will be ripping models from various Zelda games, as well as some other video games. My current project is ripping all the bosses from Ocarina of Time, from Queen Gohma to Twinrova, and then moving on to Majora's Mask. Thank you for visiting Zelda Papercrafts!



Ta da! It's Barinade! The third boss in Ocarina of Time. Link traveled inside Jabu Jabu's Belly to destroy it and save Princess Ruto of the Zoras.



King Dodongo

Presenting, King Dodongo! He's pretty easy and doesn't take long to build. He is the second boss in Ocarina of Time that Ganondorf put in the Dodongo's Cavern so the Gorons would starve.



Queen Gohma

Queen Gohma is the first boss in the N64 title Ocarina of Time. Ganondorf, the Great King of Evil, cursed the Deku Tree and sent this beast inside it. Link defeated it, but was too late, and couldn't save the Deku Tree. You can download the model here:
